GCM Virtual
Thesis Expo
"The GCM 490 Thesis class was introduced two years ago as part of curriculum renewal in GCM as a capstone course option for students who are passionate about research and writing, and want to hone their skills in these areas. In the Fall 2020 term, many of our amazing fourth-year GCM students conducted individual specialized research on many different areas relating to graphic arts, design, printing and packaging."
- Ian Baitz, Associate Professor
Sustainable Initiatives Include:
Toronto's Blue Bin Program: The Need for a New Recycling Program
Reuse: The Canadian Cannabis Industry's next step for Dried Cannabis Packaging
Environmental Impacts of Single Use Packaging during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bio Based Polymers in Food Packaging: Finding a Balance Between Safety and Sustainability
An Exploration of Environmental Impacts and Consumer Perceptions of Soft Drink Packaging
Website: GCM Virtual Thesis Expo 2020